Professional Freelance Translator
Translation of Academic and Literary Texts
Name: Patricio Bulnes Echeverría
Nationality: Chilean and Spanish.
Source languages: English and French.
Target language: Spanish.
University degree: Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras, sección Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Certificate: Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Escuela de Postgrado.
Membership: Colegio de Traductores e Intérpretes de Chile (COTICH).

Translations from English to Spanish

Translations from French to Spanish

Proofreading of texts and thesis in Spanish

I am a translator, a teacher and at times a writer. Throughout my entire life I’ve always felt a genuine interest in languages and as far as the translation field is concerned I am drawn and inspired by difficult, challenging texts. Since an early age I’ve always been a voracious and passionate reader and that fondness has, without doubt, strengthened my writing and translation skills. In addition to scholarly texts (thesis, dissertations, papers and theorical publications) my areas of expertise include philosophy and anthropology, ethics, art and criticism, literature, history and social sciences, education, cultural studies, journalism and international politics.
February 27, 2018
To whom it may concern:
It is a pleasure to affirm the quality of Patricio Bulnes Echeverría’s translations.
As a non-native scholar of Hispanic Studies, sometimes my work can really benefit from the knowledge of a native speaker with training and experience in translation and interpretation.
Patricio in this respect has proven to be the best translator and copy-editor with whom I have ever worked. He precisely interprets my voice so that the work remains written in the way that I originally conceived, which is not the case with most other translators and copy-editors with whom I have worked.
His broad knowledge of the Humanities and of scholarly and academic work also make him an ideal person to approach because discipline-specific vocabularies can be quite difficult to interpret, and again, in my experience working with other translators and copy-editors, usually some issue with interpretation arises.
Patricio has an astute and well-developed sensibility and aptitude for both interpretation and translation. His broad knowledge, moreover, of the Spanish language also ensures that my work remains oriented within the realm of Spanish that I speak myself.
In summary, I recommend the services of Patricio without hesitation.
15 decembre 2014
A qui de droit
La présente est pour confirmer que la personne citée ci-dessus a effectué des traductions pour ARENA LIBROS S.L. depuis 2003 (traduction de l’ouvrage de Jean-Luc Nancy, CORPUS) jusqu’à 2014 (traduction de l’ouvrage sur Jean-Luc Nancy, SENS EN TOUT SENS), en plus de collaborer dans la correction de numéraux livres traduits publiés par la maison d’éditions.
PATRICIO BULNES ECHEVERRÍA a traduit l’équivalent de plus de 600 pages à partir du français vers l’espagnol dans les domaines suivants: philosophie, littérature et essai de sciences humaines.
PATRICIO BULNES ECHEVERRíA est un traducteur très qualifié. Je n’hésiterais pas à le conseiller pour tout projet de traduction.
N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour tout renseignement supplémentaire.
Areas of Expertise
Translations (Selection)
From English to Spanish
Lauren BECK, Posesiones anacrónicas: fundaciones corográficas de asentamientos hispano-americanos en el siglo XVI , 2015.
Lauren BECK, La masculinidad cidiana en la cultura visual de los siglos XVI y XVII , 2016.
Lauren Beck, El Paso Noroeste según las fuentes indígenas utilizadas en mapas ingleses y franceses antes del año 1800, October 2017.
Heather Pesanti, Piscinas azules y tiempo circular, November 2017. This translation was requested by Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (CGAC).
Lauren Beck, Mapas publicados en las novelas de Cervantes durante la Ilustración, January 2018.
From French to Spanish
Jules LAFORGUE, Antología Poética, Editora Nacional, Madrid, 1975 (edición bilingüe). Translation and introduction to the life and work of J. Laforgue.
J.-J. ROUSSEAU, Escritos (“Contrato Social”, 1ª versión (Manuscrito de Ginebra), Proyecto de Constitución para Córcega,…). This translation was ordered by Ediciones de la Revista de Trabajo, Madrid, 1976 but was eventually sold to Fondo de Cultura Económica. I do not know if it was published in whole or only parts of it.
Jean-Luc NANCY, Corpus, Editorial Arena Libros, Madrid, 2003
Francis GUIBAL y Jean-Clet MARTIN, Sentido en todos los sentidos. En torno a los trabajos de Jean-Luc Nancy, Editorial Arena Libros, Madrid, 2014
Online references
P.BULNES, DESCARTES, Colección “Los Protagonistas de la Historia”, Ibérico-Europea de Ediciones, S.A., Madrid, 1969.
P.BULNES-JUAN NAVARRO BALDEWEG, FIGURAS DE DEFINICIÓN, Libros de la Ventura, Francisco Rivas Editor, Madrid, 1980.
P.BULNES, EL BAILARÍN PLEINAIR, Abril y Buades Editores, Madrid, 1986.
Art criticism and philosophie (selection)
“Espacios sin signos (comentario a las esculturas de Eduardo Chillida)”, Revista de Occidente, January, Madrid, 1976.
“Eva Lootz – Adolf Schlosser”, Galeriet Kungsgatan, Lund, Sweden, 1976.
“La ciudad y las intervenciones parciales”, Solución, Madrid, 1976.
“El tema de las instalaciones en la pintura de Navarro Baldeweg”, Artefacto, Madrid, 1976.
“Producir para ser producido”, Humo, nº1, Madrid, 1978.
“Eva Lootz”, El País, 29-3-1979.
“El parásito”, Adolf Schlosser-Patricio Bulnes, Buades, Madrid, 1982.
“Los talleres de Adolfo Schlosser”, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia, 1998.
“Un par de exposiciones: June Papineau”, Buades, Madrid, 2001.
Prologue to the publication of “Escritos”, Adolfo Schlosser, Edited by Museo Nacional Centro de Artes Reina Sofía, Madrid, 2006.
“Reapertura de la analítica existencial de Ser y Tiempo en la obra de Jean-Luc Nancy”, Fenomenología y Hermenéutica (Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Fenomenología y Hermenéutica, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago de Chile, 2010.
“Eva Lootz. La obra temprana”, Catalogue CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, 2016.
Personal Information
High School:
The Grange School (Santiago, Chile).
Higher Education:
Studies of Law (Law School) and Philosophy (Pedagogical Institute) at Universidad de Chile.
Moves to Spain in order to initiate studies at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
University Degree:
Degree in Philosophy (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
Postgraduate Studies:
Institut Universitaire d’études européennes (history field) in Torino.
University Teaching
Instructor of Spanish and Spanish literature at Emory University (Atlanta – GA, USA).
Chairman (and professor) of the Visual Arts Major at Universidad Andrés Bello (Santiago de Chile).
Superviser of Visual Arts thesis (Universidad Andrés Bello).
Professor of Cultural Foundations of Communication V (Universidad Andrés Bello).
Professor of Ethics (Universidad Andrés Bello).
Professor of Seminar in Contemporary Art (Universidad Andrés Bello).